Financial Info
Donations can be received via mail or online

Bible Festival Program Fund
The offerings by themselves do not pay for the direct costs of the programs and the overhead such as purchase of a grand piano, leasing of parking areas, summer brochures, newsletters and more. You, as an individual partner, provide the majority of the income. In additional to individuals, we need sponsors to supplement the costs of the larger programs, such as: New Holland Band, Choral Festival, Handbell Festival, Susquehanna Chorale, National Christian Choir, and the Mennonite Children's Choir of Lancaster. These can be individual or businesses. The minimum to be a partner is $500. You will be acknowledged publicly and have a space for a display. If confirmed by March 1st, you can be mentioned in the printed publicity. To contribute to the program fund, make your check payable to the Mt Gretna Bible Festival and indicate Bible Festival Programs on the memo line of your check.
Tabernacle Preservation Fund
This unique 1899 structure is on the National, State and United Methodist Church lists of Historic Places. To preserve it, constant maintenance is required, in addition to major expenses. The Tabernacle is heavily used. Approximately 20 evening religious programs, 9 Sunday morning worship services, weddings, 16 family-appropriate musical programs, and other activities are held in the facility annually. Usage of the facility is increasing. To contribute to the Tabernacle Fund, make your check payable to the Mt Gretna Tabernacle Association and indicate Tabernacle Fund on the memo line of the check.
Endowment Fund
The endowment fund is created for the purpose of preservation of capital. Contributions to this fund are restricted and only the interest is accessible for religious programming.
Larger donations, wills, bequests, etc. can be designated for this Endowment Fund. The goal is $125,000. To contribute to the Endowment fund, make your check payable to the Mt Gretna Bible Festival and indicate Endowment Fund on the memo line of the check.
Appreciated Stocks
If you would like to avoid paying taxes on stocks which have appreciated, we will accept donations in the form of stocks. Contact us at or by phone at (717) 964-0811.
Charitable Tax Acknowledgement
We are a 501(c)3 charitable institution and as such all contributions can be regarded as a charitable gift for income tax purposes.
All donations for the entire year will be acknowledge at the end of the year if requested by email at or by phone at (717) 964-0811.
Anyone who donates $500 or more (to any of the funds) can be named as a program sponsor for the program of their choice.
They will be thanked from the podium, and names of anyone who is listed "in honor of"
or "in memory of" will be named, if the donor so desires.
For questions, email or call 717-964-0811. NOTE: This phone number is for Bible Festival info only.